The Bali Chamber of Commerce, commonly known as Kadin, has established an Anti-Corruption Advocacy Committee (KAD) to prevent and minimize corruption cases in Bali according to a recent report in Bali Bisnis. The committee will be officially launched after the Idul Fitri holidays.
Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Wiraputra, the Charman of Kadin in Bali, said the committee will liaise between the government and the local business community and conduct various activities to prevent corruption in its earliest stages.
According to Alit, the establishment of KAD is a follow up to the recent MoU between Kadin Indonesia and the national Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
He went on to say the socialization of the Committee has already been done and agreed upon by professionals from various fields including government regulators, Kadin, Academics (from Udayana University), NGOs and associations of members of Kadin.
The hope is for KAD to eradicate those elements of Bali's business community who continue to undermine the integrity, professionalism and trust that are so important in developing greater investor confidence and, therefore, economic growth in Bali.
Terje Nilsen, Principal of Harcourts Seven Stones in Bali, is behind the initiative. Nilsen told WILLIAMS MEDIA "Without doubt this will help clean up a lot of grey areas in Bali when it comes to property and real estate. There are still people taking advantage of the nominee structures related to foreign property ownership, for example. And still, those who seem to be afraid of converting to legal structures and afraid of government institutions. Hopefully this will help change things for the better."
With the right mindset, this presents a great opportunity and a more transparent business environment. Nilsen believes this will not only ease the process of issuing various permits but will also create clarity as to what is possible and what is not in various businesses. "This will continue to nurture the appetite for investments in Bali," he says, "in particular the growing trend already seen in BKPM's latest reports for foreign market growth."
Source: Bali Bisnis
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