Denpasar Mayor Ida Bagus Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra addressed delegates at the "Public Private Partnership By Youth" event, part of the Future City Summit initiative, held at Udayana University in Denpasar last week.
According to the Future City Summit website, the PPP by Youth initiates a series of programmes with the collaboration of local government to address local needs through emerging young leaders from relevant sectors, followed by funding and capacity building programmes by advisors of the Future City Summit organization.
Tourism Lab
The recent Bali event brought together the Bali government and private business partners, to initiate the first ever “Tourism Lab” in Bali. According to Nusa Bali, the main aim of the Tourism Lab was to boost the “can-do” entrepreneurship in industrial innovation and empower innovators to build their ideas.
In his keynote address Mantra said he believed there were three key elements to develop Bali's tourism industry; the Orange Economy, the Creative Economy and Smart City initiatives.
He went on to say infrastructure construction and new tourist attractions were also important as they provide balance for regional development.
Mantra suggested Denpasar is a city with the best tourism index in Indonesia, which by definition is a measurement of the factors that make developing tourism based businesses attractive.
Cultural Tourism
One of the primary reasons for this, he explained was cultural tourism. He added it was important to be careful not to undermine the arts, culture, tradition and local wisdom of Bali when doing this, but rather use these elements to strengthen each other.
Understanding orange and creative economies as well as cultural and intellectual copyright are subjects of much discussion and debate, but what do the terms themselves mean?
Orange Economy
John Howkins, one of the most influential researchers on the Orange Economy, according to Connect Americas, defines it as being made up of architecture, visual and performing arts, crafts, film, design, publishing, research and development, games and toys, fashion, music, advertising, software, TV, radio and videogames all of which is based on talent, culture, intellectual property and connectivity.
"The interaction between tourism, the economy and Bali's culture can be called the Orange Economy and the Creative Economy," said Mantra, "while all elements of integrated development become the network defined as a smart city, of which Denpasar is one.
Other key organizations support this with the following definitions (Source):
- UNESCO (United Nations Education Science and Culture Organization) says the cultural and creative industries are those that combine the creation, production and commercialization of creative contents that are intangible and of a cultural nature. These contents are usually protected by Copyright and can take the form of a good or a service. Besides all artistic and cultural production, they include architecture and advertising.
- UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) says the creative industries are at the core of the creative economy, and are defined as cycles of production of goods and services that use creativity and intellectual capital as their main input. They are classified by their role as heritage, art, media and functional creations.
- WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) says the Copyright-based industries are those that are dedicated, interdependent, or that are directly or indirectly related with the creation, production, representation, exhibition, communication, distribution or retail of Copyright protected material.
- DCMS (Department of Culture, Media and Sports of the United Kingdom) says the creative industries are those activities based on creativity, individual talent and skill, and that have the potential to create jobs and wealth through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property.
- ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) says the content industries are: publishing, film, TV, radio, phonographic, mobile contents, independent audiovisual production, web contents, electronic games, and content produced for digital convergence (cross-media).
Sources: Antara News, Times Indonesia, Nusa Bali, Connect Americas, Future City Summit, Gapura Bali
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